2. Вставьте предлог by, on или in.
1. We go to school ……. foot unless it`s raining then we go ……. car or
2. He will arrive ……. Moscow at 4pm.
3. They usually go ……. holiday every August.
4. There were 200 passengers ……. board the plane.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 we go to school on foot unless it's raining then we go by car or by bus.
2 he will arrive in Moscow at 4 p.m.
3 they usually go on holiday every August.
4 there were 200 passengers on board the plane.

tamarazhukova2oww8tf: Спасибо!
Ответ дал: РинМин1
1. on; by 
2. in 
3. on
4. on


tamarazhukova2oww8tf: Спасибо!
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