Помогите,пожалуйста с этими заданиями!
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Ответ дал: LinaVas14
If they went to school, they wouldn’t be illiterate.
If you did more exercise, you would got fit.
If I had more money, I would go on holiday.
If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be tired.
If I was ill, I would go to hospital.
Во втором не got, а get

1alieva: thanks
1alieva: если не сложно,то помогите и с этим заданием - https://znanija.com/task/28105253 :)
LinaVas14: 1) would get
2) would be
3) waited
4) would be
5) left
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
If they went to school,they wouldn’t be illiterate.
If you did more exercise, you would get fit.
If I had more money,I would go on holiday.
If you went to bed earlier,you wouldn’t be tired.
If I were ill,I would go to hospital.

В условных предложениях второго типа в придаточном предложении используется Past Simple,а в главном —Future in the past ( would + глагол без частицы to).
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