Прощу помогите!! 23 балла


Write the correct form of the verb:
1. Has Mary .... the Eiffel Tower? (visit)
 2. Have you .... your room? (clean)
3. Have you .... new football boots? (find)


Choose the right variant:  
1.  Jill and Carrie .... their rooms.
а)tidied б)have tidied
2. Cara  this tower.
а)have not seen б)has not seen
3. Leo   his toys away
a)did not have put б)has not put


Write full positive sentences in Present Perfect.
1. We already ________ a tasty salad. (cook)
2. I just________ skydiving. (try)
3. William _________ a new flat. (buy)


Ответ дал: Flight12
1 visited
2 cleaned
3 found
Номер 2
1 б
2 б
3 б
Номер 3
1 We have already cooked a tasty salad.
2 I have just tried skydiving.
3 William has bought a new flat.
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