Прочитайте текст, выпишите глаголы в Present Continuous.

It’s Friday night and Bill is having a party for all his friends. Bill’s friend, Amy, is in the living room playing the piano and his friends Cathy, Barbara, and don are singing a song. Bill’s friends, Mike and Don, are in the kitchen. They are talking about Don’s new job. Don is Telling Mike. That he is very happy with his new job as a computer programmer because he is making $800 a week. Bill and his girlfriend are happy, too, because they are planning to get married next month. There are a lot of people at the party and everyone is having a good time.

Спасибо заранее.... Умоляю сделайте срочно!!!


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. Having
2. Playing
3. Singing
4. Talking
5. Telling
6. Making
7. Planning
8. Having
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 is having
2 is playing
3 are singing
4 are talking
5 is telling
6 is making
7 are planning
8 is having
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