Переведите в Passive Voice пожалуйста.

1. Please don"t make me drink milk. 2. She could not make him go to bed early. 3. The dog made the cat climb the tree. 4. The teacher made her rewrite the exercise. 5. She made the dog jump over the fence. 6. He made his brother jump into the water. 7. The rain made us return home. 8. Make her put on her coat: it is very cold today. 9. Why didn"t you make your son learn the poem? 10.1 can"t make my cat catch mice. 11. When will you make your friend do his morning exercises?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 I am not made to drink milk.
2 He could not be made to go to bed early.
3 The cat was made to climb the tree by the dog.
4 She was made to rewrite the exercise by the teacher.
5 The dog was made to jump over the fence by her.
6 His brother was made to jump into the water.
7 We were  made to return home.
8 She is made to put on her coat: it is very cold today.
9. Why wasn't your son made to learn the poem?
10.My cat can't be made to catch mice.
11. When will your friend be made to do his morning exercises?
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