Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужное время. John Smith is in prison. How did it happen? oversleep – проспать rob — ограбить fire — уволить If John (not/over­sleep), he (not/be) late for work. If he (not/be) late for work, his boss (not/fire) him. If John (not/lose) his job, he (not/need) money and he (not/rob) the bank. If he (not/rob) the bank, the police (not/arrest).


Ответ дал: ProffSergey
If John hadn't overslept, he wouldn't have been late for work.
If he hadn't be late for work, his boss wouldn't have fired him.
If John hadn't lose his job, he wouldn't need money and he wouldn't rob the bank.
If he haf't rob the bank, the police wouldn't arrest.
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