Помогите пожалуйста!
Read, match and complete.
a) I was in the park.
b) No, actually we played basketball.
c) Yes, we talked on the phone.
d) No, ldanced with Peter.
e) Yes, there was a really good film on.
f) No, he painted the living room.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

a) — Where were you yesterday?

— I was in the park.

е) — Did you watch TV last night?

— Yes, there was a really good film on.

b) — Did you play tennis last week?

— No, actually we played basketball.

с) — Did you talk to Sue today?

— Yes, we talked on the phone.

f) — Did Garry paint the kitchen?

— No, he painted the living room.

d) — Did you dance with Paul at the party?

— No, I danced with Peter.

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