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GRAMMAR Simple Tenses 6. What problems_____ the country suffer a) do b) will c) does d) have e) has 7. The invention of email____ the coming of age of the computer a) signals b) to signal c) signaling d) signaled e) will signal Continuous Tenses 8. Roberto _____English to help his career a) is learning b) are learning c) were learning d) learning e) 9. We were_____ a lesson when the rain began a) have b) has c) had d) having e) to have 10. I will____ cooking dinner when you come home. a)to be b) been c)were d) was e) be Perfect Tenses 11. Sales of their new CD ____ all records a) broken b) break c) breaks d) breaking e) have broken 12. They____ had finished their work the evening a) in b) to c) with d) over e) by 13. They ____ have finished their work by the evening a) do b) does c) will d) to do e) did Articles with geographical names 14. Scotland is part of ____ Unite Kingdom. b) an c) a d) some e) the 15. The Caspian coast is a large area near____ Caspian Sea


Ответ дал: George2302
7.d (signaLLed)
12.a (если пропуск после "work")
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