1.Last year they … the new library.
a) builds b) built c) build
2.How did you … this work?
a) do b) did c) does
3.He wishes he … a painter.
a) were b) was c) is
4.Ann says … she has read the book.
a) that b) what c) who
5.What do you mean … your words?
a) by b) at c) of
6.They have … to the lecture.
a) listens b) listened c) listen
7.He lives … with his family.
a) happy b) happily c) happiness
8.William speaks English … than me.
a) better b) gooder c) best
9.Please, do your … to read the text.
a) best b) better c) well
10.He … learn better.
a) must b) musts c) need
11.We clean our teeth … a day.
a) twice b) two c) second
12.They … to leave school next year.
a) are heard b) is heard c) be heard
13.We care … each other.
a) through b) of c) by
14.Give me the book … I’ve taken from the library.
a) whom b) who c) that
15.My father is a person … I can rely on.
a) whom b) which c) that

lolito4ka8: Пожалуйста,ребята,выручите!!!!


Ответ дал: TosterMonster
1-c  2-a  3-b  4-a  5-c  6-b  7-b  8-a  9-c  10-a  11-a  12-a  13-не знаю 14-a  15-b                           Могут быть ошибки извиняйте)

lolito4ka8: Спасибо большое)))) А 13 примерно какое может быть?
TosterMonster: Ну возможно a
lolito4ka8: Спасибо
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