Помогите, пожалуйста!!Поставьте предложения используя present simple или present continuousПомогите, пожалуйста!!
Поставьте предложения используя present simple или present continuous.
Предложения могут быть отрицательные и вопросительные.
1.      A: Where are the children?
B: In the living room
A: What are they doing? (They, watch) __________________ TV?                       
B: No, ___________ . They (play) _____________a game.2.      A: Shhh. I (hear) ____________ a noise. ____________(You, hear) it, too?
B: Yes, __________________ . I wonder what it is.3.      A: My sister (have)________________ a new car.She bought it last month.
B: (You, have)_________________ a car?
A: No,___________ . Do you?
B: No, but I have a ten-speed bike.4.      A: Shhh.
B: Why? (The baby, sleep)________________ ?
A: Uh-huh. She (take)____________ her afternoon nap.
B: Okay, I’ll talk softly. I (want, not) _____________to wake her up.5.      A: Ron, (be)___________ this your hat?
B: No,_______________ . It (belong, not)­­­­______________ to me. Maybe it(belong) ______________  to Kevin. Why don’t you ask him about it? 
A: Okay.6.      A: Johnny, (you, listen)_________________ to me?
B: Of course I am, Mom. You (want) ___________ me to take out the garbage. Right? 
A: Right! And right now!7.      A: What (you, think) about every nightbefore you fall asleep?B: I (think)____________ about all of the pleasant things that happened during the day. I(think, not) about my problems.

bryza2013: 1 Are they watching....?


Ответ дал: anastasiyakole
1) Are they watching TV?
No, they aren't. They are playing a game.
2) I hear a noise. Do you hear it, too?
Yes, I do
3) My sister has a new car
Do you have a car?
No, I don't
4) Is baby sleeping?
She is taking her afternoon nap.
I don't want
5) Ron, is this your hat?
No, it isn't.It doesn't belong to me. Maybe it belongs to Kevin.
6) Are you listening to me?
Do you want?
7) What do you think..I think...I don't think
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