Mike often...chess
a) play b) plays c) is playing

His...friends work in Moscow
a)parents' b)parents's c)parents

... appeles?

a) She ate b) was she eat c) did she eat

the boy is...

a)running b) runs c) run

I can see...car

a)the Brown's b)Browns' c) the Browns'

her aunt's son was in Africa, ...?

a)was not she b) was not he c) was he


a) is snow b) is snowing c) snows

it...often rain here

a) is not b) does not c) -

who...tennis every day?

a) play b) does play c) plays


Ответ дал: Natara1
Mike often...chess
  b) plays

His...friends work in Moscow

... apples?
c) did she eat

the boy is...

I can see...car
 с) the Browns'

her aunt's son was in Africa, ...?
b) was not he

b) is snowing

it...often rain here
b) does not

who...tennis every day?
c) plays

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