Complete the following sentences with a/an,the or no article

1. We shall have ....... five lessons on ...... Monday

2. Let's go to ...... sports ground and play ...... voleyball

3. That.s ..... good idea

4. What's ....... matter?

5. What's ........ problem?

6. We have got ..... new teacher. ....... teacher's name is ...... Mr Green.

7. ....... Greens have got ...... nice house. ...... house is not in ...... London

8. I met ....... funny little boy yesterday. ...... boy said: "I cant play ..... football.Let's play ....... hide -and-seek"

9. In summer ....... Mike lived in ....... country . He saw ..... big tree there. ...... tree was very old.

10. We bought ....... armchair ........ last Thursday. ........ armchair is comfortable.



Ответ дал: PanDaYan
1. a,-
2. the
3. a
4. the
5. the
6. a. the
7. a, the
8.-, the,-
9.-,the, a, the
10. an,-,the
Ответ дал: aydnelly
1. -,- five lessons без артикля по той причине, что множественное число
2. the,-
3. -
4. the
5. the
6. a, the, -
7. the, a, the, -
8. a, the, - , -
9. -,-,a,the
10. an, -, the

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