Long, long ago there 1 ___________ (live) a lot of  mice in an old house. There 2 __________ (live) a cat in that  house too. The mice 3 _____________ (be) afraid of the cat but they 4 _________ (not know) what to do. So one day they  all 5 ________ (come) to an old clever mouse & 6 ________ (begin)  7 ____________ (talk) about the cat.“What 8 __________ (can) we do?” they 9 ___________ (say). “The cat 10 _______ (kill) us all.”Suddenly one  little mouse 11 ___________ (say), “Let`s put a  bell round the cat`s neck & we  12 _________ (hear) it.”They  13 _________ (be) all very  glad and they  14 ________ (begin) to dance.Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 ________ (say), “I 16 _________(want) to ask one question. Who 17 ___________ (put) the bell round the cat`s neck?”


Ответ дал: neznajkin
1) lived
2) lived
3) were
4) did not know
5) came
6) began
7) to talk/ talking
8) can
9) said
10) will kill
11) said
12) will hear
13) were
14) began
15) said
16) want
17) will put
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