Помогите переобразовать 6 предложений в прошедшее и будущее время!!



Ответ дал: siny07p5wa0r
1. The mail was brought in the morning
The mail will be brought in the morning.
2. Our teacher was sent abroad.
Our teacher will be sent abroad.
3. The report was made in English by student Belov.
The report will be made in English by student Belov.
4. Their group was examined by pr. Brown.
Their group will be examined by pr. Brown.
5. The necessary documents were presented beforehand.
The necessary documents will be presented beforehand.
6. Concerts like this were enjoyed by everybody.
Concerts like this will be enjoyed by everybody.

konfetkaliliya: https://znanija.com/task/28360322 может и с этим поможете?
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