помогите пожалуйста , очень надо.Даю 10 баллов и спасибо


libralocis: а какое задание?
nastyankis2: все
nastyankis2: желательно


Ответ дал: SmokeLady
1. A: Where were you yesterday?
B: I was in the park
2. A: Did you watch TV last night?
B: Yes, there was a really good film on
3. A: Did you play tennis last week?
B: No, actually we played basketball
4. A: Did you talk to Sue today?
B: Yes, we talked on the phone
5. A: Did Gary paint the kitchen?
B: No, he painted the living room
6. A: Did you dance with Paul at the party
B: No, i danced with Peter
1. They watched a funny film
2. The film finished at 10 o'clock
3. They cooked a pizza
4. They listened to their favourite CDs
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