Помогите!! Написать сочинение на тему "Мой любимый друг". На английском!
План: (кто, какой, чем занимается, как проводите время вместе, почему уважаешь т д). Спасибо!


Ответ дал: Ice7777
In the life of every person there is a place for the closest people with whom you can share your victories and defeats, joy and disappointment, pleasant moments and unbearable pain. A friend is good only because he is, and that you have someone to share with everyone who worries or worries you. I know that friends are different, like friendships. Unfortunately, they are not always equal and far from always such an unequal friendship has good consequences.
Ответ дал: Ника0901
My best friend's name is Maxim. He is kind and very cheerful. He has dark hair and blue eyes. Maxim is tall and strong, he is engaged in boxing. Maxim is very sociable and friendly, he has many friends. He always helps in a difficult moment, he does not when there is no serious. In the summer we walk in the woods with his dog named Graf. We like to go to the beach, we play volleyball and swim in a big lake. In winter we skate and ski and play snowballs. I appreciate this friend because he can be trusted and always happy with him.
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