Просклонить одно предложение на английском, в 12 основных временах


Ответ дал: Katharina24
Present simple: I talk to Kate every day.
Present continuous: I am talking to Kate noe.
Present perfect: I have talked to Kate.
Present perfect continuous: I have been talking to Kate for three hours.
Past simple: I talked to Kate yesterday.
Past continuous: I was talking to Kate yesterday at 7.
Past perfect: I had talked to Kate by the time you come.
Past perfect continuous: I had been talking to Kate for three hours by 7 o'clock.
Future simple: I will talk to Kate tommorow.
Future continuous: I will be talking to Kate tommorow at 7.
Future perfect: I will have talked to Kate by the time you come.
Future perfect continuous: I will have been talking to Kate for three hours by 7 o'clock.
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