помогите пожалуйста с английским языком Ex 8



Ответ дал: GreyBoar


1 How many countries are there in the UK?

2 What is the capital of England?

3 What is the name of the English flag?

4 What is the most popular sport?

5 Can you name a few famous singers?


1 How did England get its name?

2 How many people live in England?

3 Who is the patron saint of England?

4 What is the symbol of England?

5 Can you name a few well-known actors? 

GreyBoar: Можно и чуть по-другому, но и так все ок
Сніжочок: спасибо большое
GreyBoar: Пожалуйста, это нетрудно
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