Напишите утвердительные (+), отрицательные (-) или вопросительные (?) предложения в настоящем продолженном времени

1. Jenny/run very fast. (+) 2. My brother/learn Spanish. (-) 3. It/rain. (?) 4. They/play in the garden. (+) 5. Birds/eat berries. (-) 6. Daughter/do the washing-up. (?) 7. George/speak on the phone. (+) 8. I/clean the windows. (-) 9. Ann/listen to music. (+) 10. Kevin/play the piano. (?) 11. The nurse/feed the patient. (+) 12. The girls/ride bikes. (?) 13. Mother/water the flowers. (-)


Ответ дал: Janara712
1. Jenny is running very fast.
2. My brother is not learning Spanish
3. Is it raining?
4. They are playing in the garden
5. Birds are not eating berries
6. Is daughter doing the washing up?
7. George is speaking on the phone
8. I am not cleaning the windows
9. Ann is listening to music
10. Is Kevin playing the piano?
11. The nurse is feeding the patient
12. Are the girls riding bikes?
13. Mother is on watering the flowers
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