Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
1.I'm just going to shop___souvenirs.
2. Lets sunbathe___the beach and then have a snack.
3. We spent the day trekking___the mountains.
4. Jack kicked tha ball high___the air.
5. Watch___for the wild life, it's amazing.
6. Will you help me___my luggage?
7. The History Museum is open___8:30 am every day.
Помогите пожалуйста. Очень нужно


Ответ дал: themouse
1. For
2. At
3. To
4. To
5. For
6. With
7. At
Ответ дал: ПчёлкаПоля49
1. Iʹm just going to shop FOR souvenirs.2. Letʹs sunbathe ON the beach and then have a snack.3. We spent the day trekking IN the mountains.4. Jack kicked the ball high IN / INTO the air.5. Watch OUT for the wild life, itʹs amazing.6. Will you help me WITH my luggage?7. The History Museum is open FROM 8.30 am every day.
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