. Вставте прийменники to або of.

1. The young scientist was trying to prove … the professor the necessity … the experiment.

2. London is the capital … Great Britain.

3. It is clear … me that you don’t know your lesson.

4. He was devoted … his friend.

5. I explained … the teacher that by the end … the lesson I had not finished the translation … the text and that’s why I had not handed it … him. The surprise … the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange … the teacher.

6. He bought a book … English poems and gave it … his sister.

7. I wrote … him asking to send me a box … chocolates.

8. There is a monument … Pushkin in the Square … Arts.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 The young scientist was trying to prove to the professor the necessary for the experiment.
2 London is the capital of Great Britain.
3 It is clear to me that you don't know your lesson.
4 He was devoted to his friend.
5 I explained to the teacher that by the end of the lesson I had not finished the translation of the text and that's why I had not handed it to him. The surprise to the teacher was great. My explanation seemed strange to the teacher.
6 He bought a book of English poems and gave it to his sister.
7 I wrote to him asking to send me a box of chocolates.
8 There is a monument to Pushkin in the Square of Arts.
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