Ex. 10. Choose the word (a, b, c, d) that best completes the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of the answer, e.g. 1 dc, 2 ab, 3 ab.

1. I … to the cinema last week a) go b) went c) will go. 2. The boy usually … good marks when he was a first-year student a) get b) got c) will get. 3. Mary and her sister … chess every evening but today they are going to the theatre a) play b) played c) will play. 4. She … very early two days ago a) wake up b) woke up c) will wake up. 5. He … a new TV film tomorrow a) see b) saw c) will see. 6. Some years ago the trains … at this station a) stop b) stopped c) will stop


Ответ дал: ROMANsilex
1) went 2)got 3)play 4)woke up 5) will see 6) stopped
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