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сказка ,The Rabbit and the Bear,".
ответить на вопросы.
One day the rabbit was sitting in the forest under a big tree. He was eating nuts. Suddenly a hungry bear came out of the bushes.

"Grr!" the bear growled. "Rabbit! I am going to eat you for dinner!"

"Well, have one of these nuts first," said the rabbit politely.

The bear tasted the nut. "It's delicious," he said. "Tell me where you got these nuts," he ordered.

"They are growing under the ground," said the rabbit. "I pulled up some weeds and found the nuts. Please help yourself", said the rabbit, smiling. "I don't know which weeds are growing nuts and which aren't."

The bear started pulling up the weeds. The rabbit got up and quickly disappeared in the forest.

A. Answer the questions.

1. When and where does the story happen?

2. Who is the main character?

3. What other characters are there in the story?

4. What is the problem in the story?

5. What is the solution of the problem?

6. What do you think of the characters?

7. What do you think of the story?

B. Fill in the gaps.

I'd like to tell you about the story called "The ……………………… and the ………………………… ".

It happens ……………………………… in the …………………………. .

The main character is the ………………………………… .

The …………………………… has a problem: another character,

the ……………………… wants to ……………………………….………. .

But the ………………………….. gives the ……………………………… some ………………… . Then he ………………………………………… .

I like the………………………. I think he is.……………………………… .

I've enjoyed reading the story. It is (nice / interesting / wonderful / great / unusual / fantastic / exciting / funny /…………………………... ).


Ответ дал: netha
1At the forest .On dinner
4Problem of friendship
6rabbit-kind bear-angry
7The story is cognitive
I'd like to tell you about the story called "The ……………Rabbit………… and the …………Brar……………… ".

It happens …………………on dinner…………… in the ……………………forest……. .

The main character is the ……………………………rabbit…… .

The ……………………friendship……… has a problem: another character,

the …………………bear…… wants to ……………………………….help the rabbit………. .

I like the……………story…………. I think he is.……………cognitive………………… .

I've enjoyed reading the story.
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