Помогите пожалуйста!

What have you done today?

Put the verb from the brackets into the positive form of Present Perfect.

1) I
a shower today. (to take)

2) We
the newspaper today. (to read)

3) I
to my English teacher today. (to speak)

4) They
four e-mails today. (to send)

5) He
a new friend today. (to make)

6) I
a film today. (to see)

7) She
two postcards today. (to write)

8) You
this test today. (to do)


Ответ дал: abrahamambardzp6amyo
1.I shall take
2. We will read
3. I shall speak
4. They will send
5. He will make
6. I shall see
7. She will write
8. You will do
Ответ дал: Софочка09
1- I have taken a shower today. 2- We have read the newspaper today.                3- I have spoken to my English teacher today. 4- They have sent four e-mails today. 5- He has made a new friend today. 6- I have seen a film today.               7-She has written two postcards today.        8- You have done this test today.
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