Поставьте глагол из скобок в положительную форму настоящего совершенства.

1) I .................. a shower today. (to take)

2) We ................ the newspaper today. (to read)

3) I .................. to my English teacher today. (to speak)

4) They ................. four e-mails today. (to send)

5) He ................ a new friend today. (to make)

6) I ...................a film today. (to see)

7) She ............. two postcards today. (to write)

8) You ............... this test today. (to do)


Ответ дал: Volga2018
Глагол поставлен в Present Perfect - настоящее совершенное время:

1) I have taken a shower today. 

2) We have read the newspaper today. 

3) I have spoken to my English teacher today. 

4) They have sent four e-mails today. 

5) He has made a new friend today. 

6) I have seen a film today. 

7) She has written two postcards today.

8) You have done this test today. 
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