Fill in the gaps:
F:Have you ever taken part in the International Festival in Gabala?
A:Yes, ........
F:Can you tell me about the Fifth ........ Festival?What countries did the musicians come from?
A:This ........ music festival brought together the worlds famous musicians and ........ from many countries. ......... musicians,art groups the ....... conductors from Russia Turkey the UK.
F:What was the most ....... for you?
A:Imagine that you are in nature-in the ........ air and there are many misicians around you.You hear ..... kings of music.Just ...... and enjoy
F:Symphony Orchestra,the jazz band and our ....... mugham.How ..... to be there.

a)wonderful b)national c)open d)of course e)relax f)interesting g)grandiose h)music lovers i) world famous j)prominent k)music l)different  

СРОЧНО!!!!Порошууууу вас помогитееееее мне пожалуста


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