плиз помогите пожалуйста )))

6. Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps.
Do not use short/contracted forms.
Example: He __ a boy. He is a boy.
1) My mother ____ in the kitchen.
2) The pupils ____not at school today.
3) Maria's grandmother ____ from Brazil.
4) I _____a football fan.
5) It _____ Sunday today.
6) They ____ in the car.
7) His pencil case ____ at home.
8) ____you from Sheffield?
9) I ____not your friend.
10) Hey John! We ____ here

7.Put in have and got or has and got into the the gaps.
Example: ____ they ___ posters in their classroom?
Have they got posters in their classroom?
Danny has got a new computer.
1) _____you _____a favourite singer?
2) _____he _____a pen in his pencil case?
3) _____they _____a garden?
4) ____she _____a yellow bike?
5) ____your parents ____ a stamp collection?
6) They ______ a goldfish.
7) Emma ______lots of friends.
8) We _____a problem.
9) Joe and Philip _____a sister.
10) The family _____two cars

8. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs.
1.Bob usually _______ (to get up) at 7 o’clock in the morning.
2.He ____________ (to do) some exercises, _______ (to wash) his face and hands and____ (to have) breakfast.
3. His parents usually ________ (to get up) earlier because they _______ (to work) far from their home.
4.It ________ (to take) them two hours to get to their work.
5. But Bob __________ (to study) at college which ________ (to be) near his house.
6.His lesssons usually ________ (to start) at 9 a.m.


Ответ дал: ЯВсёЗнаюПростоТуплю
6 ( am- при местоимении I; is - при he, she, it; are - при they, we, you)
1. is
2. are
3. is
4. am
5. is
6. are
7. is
8. are
9. am
10. are
7 ( have - при I, we, they, you; has - при he, she, it)
1.have got
2. has got
3. have got
4. has got
5. have got
6. have got
7. has got 
8. have got
9. have got
10 has got
8 ( в present simple при he, she, it к глаголу добавляем окончание -s, в остальных случаях - оставляем глагол неизменным)
1. gets up
2. does, washes, has
3. get up, work
4. takes
5. studies, is
6. start
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