1. They (sell) their house. 2. They (walk) to the corner. 3. We listen) to that radio programme last night. 4. Mr Johnson (ride) downtown with his friend today. 5. The two men (carry) the furniture very carefully. 6. Professor Taylor (teach) a different class last year. 7. The students (practice) the new words after their classes. 8. We (spend) two and a half weeks in Los Angeles. 9. Everyone in the audi- ence (enjoy) the professor's speech. 10. Mr Wilson (drive) his car to work this morning. помогите пожалуйста поставьте глаголы в past simple


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 sold
2 walked
3 listened
4 rode
5 carried
6 taught
7 practised
8 spent
9 enjoyed
10 drove
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