1-2 фото, задание 5- сопоставить слова, задание 6- вставить пропущенные слова, 3 фото- вставить слова в правильной форме



Ответ дал: GreyBoar

Ex 5

identity – to recognize something and….

reluctant – not willing to do sth

to be honored – proud that you have …

consistent – not changing in behaviour …

representative – something which has been chosen….

conformity -- behaviour that is acceptable ….

decreased -- something that has become less.

cognitive – process is one that is connected …..

to be worth – used for saying how good …

dignity – respect that other …

outcome – the final result…

admiration – a feeling of respect and approval

stigmatize – to treat a particular type of…

established – having existed for a long time…


Ex 6

1 clarification 2 reflect 3 deserve 4 welfare 5 admiration 6 encouraged 7 outcome


Ex 7

admired; representations; honoured; establishment; increasing

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