Put the words from the brackets in Present Simple or Present Continous.
1) Actually, that wonderful. (sound)
2) We right now. (cook)
3) I to be back soon. (promise)
4) This dog to my sister. (belong)
5) He several large companies. (own)
6) Right now it cold outside. (seem)
7) It right now. (rain)
8) My little sister every word. (believe)
9) He you good luck! (wish)
10) Ah! My leg so much! (hurt)


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Actually, that sounds wonderful.
2) We are
cooking right now.
3) I
promise to be back soon.
4) This dog
belongs to my sister.
5) He
owns several large companies.
6) Right now it
seems cold outside.
7) It is
raining right now.
8) My little sister
believes every word.
9) He
wishes you good luck!
10) Ah! My leg
hurts so much!
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