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Ответ дал: Карюсик98
Task 6.
1. I think coffee tastes bitter. I don’t like it.
2. My grandma bakes a lot. She is probably making a cake right now.
3. My dad doesn’t see why young people love fast food so much.
4. I have never been on a diet in my life.
5. I am thinking of giving up chocolate.
6. I am doing some cooking. That’s why I smell of onions!
Task 7.
1. Have you ever tried spicy Thai food?
2. Are food prices going up at the moment?
3. Have you ever cut your finger preparing food?
4. How often do you cook a meal for the family?
5. How long have you been having school lunches? (?)
6. How long do you have the same dining table?

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