Choose and underline the correct word
1. I am talking about the girl who/which is sitting on the sofa.
2. This is the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard.
3. My mum made a cake which/who tasted really delicious.
4. The girl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister.
5. 2001 was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.


Ответ дал: Карюсик98
1. Who
2. Where
3. Which
4. Whose
5. When

falendadmitry: Спасибо Большое!
parljukljuba: В 1 предложении who
falendadmitry: Я знаю, что там ошибка. Я уже исправил.
Ответ дал: clever111253
1. ...who is...(которая)
2. ...where people... (где люди)
3. ...which tasted... (который)
4. ...whose hair... (чьи волосы)
5. ...when we... (когда мы)
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