раскройте скобки, употребив одно из прошедших времен (the Past Indefinite или the Past Continuous)
1.he (have) a bath when the phone rang. very unwillingly he (get) out of the bath and (go) to answer it. 2. he suddenly realized that he (travel) in the wrong direction 3. You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What you (do)? 4. The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father's steps. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their text-books. 5. He (not, allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as strong wind (blow) 6. When I (hear) the knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because he (wear) dark glasses. 7. When I came in they (sit) round the table. Mr. and Mrs. Brown (watch) TV, Kate (knit), the others (read). Mrs. Brown (smile) at me and (say), "Come and sit down".


Ответ дал: hazelawend
1. were having. got, went
2. were travelling
3. were doing / did
4. were playing, heard
6. heard, went, opened, didn't recognise, was wearing
7. were sitting, were watching, were knitting, were reading, smiled, said.
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