Exercise 1.

Open the brackets.

I wish I ______ (be) the manager of this company.
Peter wishes he ______ (not buy) that car. It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.
Ashley's mother wishes she ______ (do) well in the final exams next week.
Larry wishes he ______ (be) on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now.
Mary feels homesick. She wishes she ______ (be) in her home with her parents now.
I wish you ______ (bring) me a glass of water. I am very thirsty.
Karen wishes her father ______ (not go) to Russia on business. She misses him.
It was a very hot and sunny. I wish I ______ (take) my sunglasses and sun lotion with me.
You look overweight. I wish you ______ (attend) a gym this summer.
My father wishes he ______ (not forget) to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.


Ответ дал: nunny
I wish I ______ (were) the manager of this company.
Peter wishes he ______ (had not bought) that car.
Ashley's mother wishes she ______ (would do) well in the final exams next week.
Larry wishes he ______ (were) on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now.
She wishes she ______ (were) in her home with her parents now.
I wish you ______ (brought) me a glass of water.
Karen wishes her father ______ (had not gone) to Russia on business.
I wish I ______ (had taken) my sunglasses and sun lotion with me.
I wish you ______ (attended) a gym this summer.
My father wishes he ______ (had not forgotten) to take the camera with him.

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