R: Hello, Theatre Royal Haymarket. How can help you? 
C: Hello. I'd like to book some teatre tickets please. 
R: Certainly. Which play would you like to see? 
C: Hamlet, on Friday the 21st. 
R: OK. How many seats would you like? 
C: Two seats, please 
R: Fine. There are available seats in the fourth row, near the front, which cost £30 each, and some nearer the centre £25 each. which would you like? 
C: Mmmm ..The ones near the centre, I think. 
R: So, two seats in row 11 Friday the 21st That comes to a total of £50. How would you like to pay? 
C: Can I pay by credit card? 
R: Certainly Just give me the number and the expiry date. 
C: 3959 3854 1104 9455. Expires this March. 
R: And your name? 
C: Mark Darcy. 
R: Thank you, Mr Darcy. You can collect your tickets at the theatre on Wednesday at 7pm. The performance starts at 8 pm. Enjoy the show. 
C: Thank you very much.


Ответ дал: lollyro
- Hello. It’s Istanbul Marriott Hotel. How can I help you?
- Hello. I would like to book a room for two adults and a kid, please
- Certainly. What day are you planning to come? And for how many nights?
- Well, we are coming on 1st (first) of May and going to stay for 11 (eleven) nights.
- Okay. There are two available rooms for these dates. One is a standard room on the first floor and the other one is a luxe room with a jacuzzi and a big balcony with a great view of the city.
- How much does the luxe room cost? 
- It is 3000$ (three thousand dollars). Would you like to book this room?
- Oh. Sure. It’s a great price for such a good located hotel with all sights nearby. 
- Great. How would you like to pay? 
- Can I pay by credit card?
- Sure. Tell me your name and an email address, so I can send you all the information you need for paying. 
- My name is Roman, surname is Abramovich. And email address is [email protected]
- Oh, mister Abramovich we will be pleased to meet you and your family in our hotel. I’m sending all the information right now.
- Thank you! I hope we will have a wonderful time in the city and a comfortable, clean room. 
- Sure, mister Abramovich. We will do our best for your family. Could I do something else for you?
- No, thank you. Good bye
- Have a nice day. Good bye.

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