Переведите на английский язык диалог.
-Здравствуйте, я могу услышать Джона?
-Его нет дома. Это его мама. Что Вы хотели?
-Я звоню Джону, чтобы сказать, что завтра вместо литературы будет математика.
-Хорошо я передам ему.
-Спасибо. До свидания.
-До свидания

-Здравствуйте, я -мама Джейн. Я хочу поговорить с директором.
-Я сожалею, но он сейчас занят. Перезвоните позже.
-Хорошо. До свидания.
-До свидания.

Не копируйте с переводчиков!!!


Ответ дал: sleochko
Hello-Hello, I can hear John?-He is not home. It's his mother. What do you want?John, I'm calling to say that tomorrow will be math instead of literature.Well, I'll tell him.-Thank you. Goodbye.Good-bye
number 2-Hello.-Hello, I'm Jane-mom. I want to talk with the director.-I am sorry, but he's busy. Call back later.All right. Goodbye.Good-bye.

А2Б: -Hello.
-Hello, I can hear John?
-He was not there. That's his MOM. What are you thinking?
-I'm calling John to say that tomorrow instead of the literature would be mathematics.
-Well, I will give it.
-Thank you. Good bye.

# 2
-Hello, I'm a-MOM Jane. I want to talk with the Director.
-I'm sorry, but he is busy now. Call back later.
-Good. Good bye.
Алиша1920: -Hello.
-Hello, I can hear John?
-He is not home. It's his mother. What do you want?
John, I'm calling to say that tomorrow will be math instead of literature.
Well, I'll tell him.
-Thank you. Goodbye.

number 2
-Hello, I'm Jane-mom. I want to talk with the director.
-I am sorry, but he's busy. Call back later.
All right. Goodbye.
Ответ дал: MarishkaPushinka
- Hello. - Hello. Can I listen John? - No, he isn't at home. I am his mother. What do you want? - I call John, because tomorrow he will have literature (вместо) math. - OK, I will tell it him. Thank you!

MarishkaPushinka: Перевала только первый, ну и там "Goodby")
MarishkaPushinka: -Hello.
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