Составить 8 предложений на тему для написания Эссе, на Английском языке- за и против использования интернета при приготовлении домашнего задания. e-learning


Ответ дал: ПетяСемечкин
Getting ready with home assignments with the use of the Internet is commonplace nowadays.
First of all, students use this means as it's the easiest source of obtaining required information.
Secondly, there's a useful feature when working with computers - one can quickly draw necessary bits of information literally without putting their finger to it.
Thirdly, students can gather information worldwide, which means they can have many different views on whatever subjects they need.
However, as there is always counteraction for every positive action, working with the information gathered on the Internet has its shortcomings. First, students gradually start lacking concentration (in the post-Soviet states this phenomenon is known as "клиповое мышление").
As a result, students fall back with their studies especially in exact sciences such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry.
In addition to it, the are numerous studies which are concerned with the following idea: due to the universal accessibility of information from anywhere and at any minute it is needed, students put no effort in memorising it. This causes the lack of brain activity, thus resulting in dumbing down everyone who pays no attention to their intellectuality.
Eventually, despite being such a harm, most of the students (I may dare say all of them) use the Internet to prepare their home assignments. Pragmatism nowadays replaces the desire of personal intellectual enrichment. As for such a fact, none is to blame but the influence of the intellectual era we all live in. And not even to blame - to ruminate over.
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