


Ответ дал: 40infr40
1 She said that she couldn't drive 
2 She wanted to know what time the film started.
3 He said that Tom was leaving tomorrow 
4She said that she didn't know what to do 
5 He said that he would be back in an hour
6 They said that they weren't watching TV then
7 He said  that they had just left
8 She said that she had been typing since morning 
9 Mrs Jones said that she was bored of lying  on the beach 
10 Paul said that he was exhausted

40infr40: 11. She wanted to know if I was looking forward to going back there.
40infr40: 12 The woman asked where the main tourist office was
13 The teacheк wanted to know how they had done their homework
14 She wanted to know what I was going to do.
15The boy wanted to know who made the sculpture in the square.
16 I wanted to know if they had gone to the party last week
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