write the sentences in the reported speech



Ответ дал: Аноним
Как то так...
1. She said she couldn't drive
2. She asked what time the film started
3. He said that Tim was leaving the next day
4. She said she didn't know what to do
5. He said that he would be back in an hour
6. They said they weren't watching TV then
7. He saud they had just left
8. She said she had been typing since morning
9. Mrs Jones said he had been getting bored of lying on the beach
10. Paul said he was exhausted
11. She wondered if someone were looking forward to going back there
12. The woman asked where the main tourist office was
13. The teacher asked if I had done my homework
14. She asked what I was going to do
15. The boy asked who had made the sculpture in the square
16. I asked if they went to the party the previous week
17. my sister asked what time we left the previous week
18. my friend said he had not known that I was in hospital
19. My mother said to not forget to tidy my room
20. My friend asked to water the plants
21. My parents warned not to let anyone into the house
22. He said that Ostriches can fly
23. Gary asked his wife where she had been
24. He asked if he could go home then
25. he said she had to try harder if she wanted to succeed
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