Put the verbs in brackets into the more suitable form present perfect simple (I have done) or present perfect continuous ( I have been doing) 1. Where have you been?___(you/play) tennis? 2. Look!___(somebody/break) that window. 3. You look tired.___(you/work) hard? 4."___(you/ever/work) in a factory?" "No, never." 5."Liz is away on holiday." "Is she? Where___(she/go)?" 6. My brother is an actor.___(he/appear) in several films. 7. "Sorry, I'm late." "That's alright.___(I/not/wait) long." 8. "Is it raining?" "No,___(it/stop)." 9.___(I/lose) my address book.___(you/see) it? 10.___(I/read) the book you lent me, but___(I/not/finish) it yet. It's very interesting. 11.___(I/read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis?
2. Look! Somebody has broken that window.
3. You look tired. Have you been working hard?
4."Have you ever worked in a factory?" "No, never."
5."Liz is away on holiday." "Is she? Where has she gone?"
6. My brother is an actor. He has appeared in several films.
7. "Sorry, I'm late." "That's alright. I have not been waiting long."
8. "Is it raining?" "No, it has stopped."
9. I have lost my address book. Have you seen it?
10. I have been reading the book you lent me, but I have not finished it yet.
11. I have read the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.
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