Ребят,помогите с заданием,пожалуйста(заранее извиняюсь за ошибки) :
Read Christine's email to her friends and for each question,choosw the correct answer.A dash (-) means no artikle is necessary.

Hey, Dave ,
How are things? I know you love (1) the / -animals.Can you help me?I am doing (2) the / a project for my schooland i need (3) the / some help.Can you pleace send me (4) some / an information about penguins and different creatures that live in (5) a / the snow.How do these animals stay warm?Do they have a lot of (6) the / -hair so they are warm in winter?I saw on the internet that (7) the / an animals that live in cold places sometimes sleep in winter.Is that true?Can you give me (8) some / the advice for this project please?
Bye for now ,


Ответ дал: myrzabekovaakz
1 animals
2 a projekt...
3some help
5the snow
6hair so...
7 an animals..
8the advice...

не знаю правильно ли

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