Пжжжжж.......Помогите написать сочинение по англиски на тему "What klnd of person are you?"Перевод-"Какой человек ты?"


Ответ дал: MonaLizochka
I'm a very good person. I like helping people and my mom around the house. After school, I always clean up the apartment cook dinner and sit down to Do homework. Sometimes when I walk on the street I help my grandmother to cross the road or to transfer the old grandfather across the street. To do good things I really like. I advise you to do the same.

autsan: здесь много ошибок(
autsan: хотя нет,простите
autsan: не много,но есть несколько
Ответ дал: autsan
я попробую, примерно.

I'd like to start with the idea that what kind of person you are is really important for our society. People always want you to be generous and kind to them. Some of my friends say that I am one of the best people they know. I am very kind, outgoing, helpful. I never lie and in my opinion a lie is so terrible. I am really devoted and I never betray people. If someone tell me his or her secret I never tell it anyone. I am really attentive, I like to help my mother with tidying the flat and cooking. That is why I have lots of f
riends and perfect relationship with my parents. But also I have some bad traits. I am very lazy, I hate doing my homework. I eat a great amount of sweets every day. I cannot live without them! I am trying to break away with bad habits and be a better person!

autsan: или with an idea в начале...
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