Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму, выбрав Present Perfect или Past Simple
1. Tom (go) to the cinema yesterday.
2. John is playing a game of tennis. He (play) for 2 hours.
3. I (book) the tickets two weeks ago for the concert of classical,
4. The teacher (speak) English since the beginning of this lesson.
5. In your life, how many countries ( you - visit) ?
6. The Bank (open) a branch in the new shopping centre last month.
7. The bus is late and Julie is cold. She (wait) for the bus for 10 minutes.
8. Caroline (work) here between 2001 and 2004.
9. Before getting on the plane, John (buy) a book to read during the flight.
10. Since the beginning of this exercise , I (learn) several new word in English.


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

1. Tom went to the cinema yesterday.

2. John is playing a game of tennis. He has been playing for 2 hours.

3. I booked the tickets two weeks ago for the concert of classical [music].

4. The teacher has been speaking English since the beginning of this lesson.

5. In your life, how many countries have you visited?

6. The bank opened a branch in the new shopping centre last month.

7. The bus is late and Julie is cold. She has been waiting for the bus for 10 minutes.

8. Caroline worked here between 2001 and 2004.

9. Before getting on the plane, John bought a book to read during the flight.

10. Since the beginning of this exercise, I have learnt several new words in English.

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