Подчеркните правильную глагольную форму.
1. I buy/bought/have bought a new dress yesterday.
2. She hasn’t eaten/ate/didn’t eat anything since 9 o’clock this morning.
3. He hasn’t gone/went/didn’t go to school last week. He was ill.
4. I have never eaten/have never eaten/never ate such a delicious cake.
5. She has got/got/have got married in 2008.
6. I didn’t watch/haven’t watched/hasn’t watched TV last night.
7. The have finished/haven/t finished/ finished their homework yet.
8. Last year, the Smiths have gone/went/have never gone to Australia.


Ответ дал: sonechko25
1 bought
2 eaten
3 gone
4 have never eaten
5 has got married
6 didn't watch
7.have finished
8 went

maksim8798: СПАСИБО!!!!1!!
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