Помогите пж.Два упражнения:5,6



Ответ дал: CrystalAngel
2)If I hadn't got a headache, I could go swimming.
3) If I knew answer, I would tell you.
4) If we had money, we could have a holiday.
5) If I had a spare time, I would learn Russian.
6) If we had a big house, we could invite friends to stay.
7) If there were some eggs, I would make a cake
8) If I was clever, I would be a doctor.
9) If I had a mobile, you could call me.
10) If he bought tickets, he could win a lottery.
11) If Fancia didn't work hard, he would have some time to spend with his friends.
12) If we hadn't got three children, we could take a year off to travel around the world.
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