что нужно вставить?
1. We´ve got much / a lot of rice.
2. There isn´t much / a lot of rice.
3. My sister eats a lot of / many sweets.
4. There aren´t much / many vegetarians in my school.
5. There aren´t a lot of / much vegetables.
6. I don´t drink much / many juice.
7. There was many / a lot of traffic.
8. In Antarctica there isn´t any / much traffic.
9. There is many / much rain in August.
10. Does the teacher give many / much homework?
11. There´s many / a lot of fruit in the bowl.
12. A lot of / a people like hamburgers.
13. We went to America many / much years ago.
14. There are __________ of people on the beach.
15. I haven´t got __________ clothes.
16. There isn´t __________ sunscreen (солнцезащитный крем) in this bottle.
17. There are __________ children in the park.
18. There aren´t __________ restaurants in my town.
19. I haven´t got __________ homework today.
20. How __________ brothers have you got?
21. How __________ cousins have you got?
22. How __________ money is there in your bag?
23. How __________ CDs have you got?
24. There isn´t __________ pollution (загрязнение) in Sweden.
25. There isn´t __________ noise in Antarctica.


Ответ дал: countingstars1998
1) a lot of
2) isn’t much
3) a lot of
4) aren’t many
5) a lot of
6) much
7) a lot of
8) any
9) much
10) much
11) a lot of
12) a lot of
13) many
14) many
15) any
16) any
17) a lot of
18) any
19) any
20) many
21) many
22) much
23) many
24) any
25) any
Ответ дал: 1209753465
1. We've got a lot of rice.
2. There isn't much rice.
3. My sister eats a lot of sweets.
4. There aren't many vegetarians in my school.
5. There aren't a lot of vegetarians.
6. I don't drink much juice.
7. There was a lot of traffic.
8. In Antarctica there isn´t any traffic. 
9. There is much rain in August.
Does the teacher give much homework?
There´s a lot of fruit in the bowl.
A lot of people like hamburgers.
We went to America many years ago.
There are a lot of people on the beach.
I haven´t got many clothes.
There isn´t much sunscreen in this bottle.
There are a lot of children in the park.
There aren´t many restaurants in my town.
I haven´t got much homework today.
20. How many 
brothers have you got?
21. How many 
cousins have you got?
22. How much 
money is there in your bag?
23. How many 
CDs have you got?
24. There isn't much 
pollution in Sweden.
25. There isn't much 
noise in Antarctica. 
A lot of ставится в отрицательных и положительных предложениях с исчисляемыми и  не исчисляемыми. Many в отрицательных и вопросительных с исчисляемыми. Much в отрицательных и вопросительных с не исчисляемыми.
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