
Complete the words.
Jana often goes to the cinema because she loves films.
1 I never go c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because I don’t like dancing or loud music.
2 We go to m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because we love the theatre and singing.
3 In the winter a lot of people go i _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ on the river near our house.
4 I go to every e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the National Gallery because I love paintings.
5 When we visit other cities we usually go on a guided t _ _ _ so we can learn about the history and culture of the place.


Ответ дал: ашоттрубошот
3. In the winter a lot of people go ice skating on the river near our house.
5. When we visit other cities we usually go on a guided tour so we can learn about the history and culture of the place. Всё, что смогла.
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