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The London police were looking for a criminal who (rob) a bank. One day
they (catch) him and (take) him to prison. But while they (take)
photographs of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat,
without a hat — he suddenly (attack) one of the policemen and (run away)
Then a week later the telephone (ring) in the police station and somebody
(say) : "You (look for) _ _ Ben Jackson, aren't you?" - - "Yes." -
"Well, he (be) at Victoria Station an hour ago. He (leave, probably)
London by now."
The city police immediately (send) four different photos of the robber to
the railway police. All the trains (search) .
Less than two hours later they (get) a telephone call from a small town not
far from London. "We (catch) three of the men," they (say)
happily, "and we (hope) to catch the fourth very soon."


Ответ дал: Volga2018
поставить слова в нужном времени! 
The London police were looking for a criminal who had robbed a bank. One day they caught him and took him to prison. But while they were taking photographs of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without a hat — he suddenly attacked one of the policemen and ran away. 
Then a week later, the telephone rang in the police station and somebody
said, "You are looking for  Ben Jackson, aren't you?" - - "Yes." -
"Well, he was at Victoria Station an hour ago. He has 
probably left London by now."
The city police immediately sent four different photos of the robber to
the railway police. All the trains were searched.
Less than two hours later, they got a telephone call from a small town not
far from London. "We have caught three of the men," they said
happily, "and we hope to catch the fourth very soon."

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