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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 since
2 for
3 since
4 for
5 since

1 I love my school. I have been here since I was ten years old.
2 Did you see Richard at the cinema last night?
3 How long have they known Petra?
4 We watched our football team play last week.
5 Have you seen any good films recently?
6 He has been to the gym for six months.
7 What did he buy Lucy for her birthday last week?
8 I went to Tim's house for dinner last night. He cooked me a great meal.
9 How long has she been ill?
10 I haven't heard from Flions since her family moved to Brazil.

1 have had
2 were
3 left
4 when did you get married?
5 have been
6 for
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