Упражнение 3. Добавьте хвостик разделительного вопроса. I'm older than she, ___________? He has a sister, ___________? Sally can't speak Chinese, ___________? Let me call you, ___________? Tell us about yourself, ___________? That was an unusual stone, ___________? She hates onion, ___________? Dan arrived two hours ago, ___________? There weren't many students in the hall, ___________? The Greens have been invited too, ___________?


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
I'm older than she, aren't I?
He has a sister, doesn't he?
Sally can't speak Chinese, can she?
Let me call you, will you ?
Tell us about yourself, will you?
She hates onion, doesn't she?
Dan arrived two hours ago, didn't he?
There weren't many students in the hall, were there?
The Greens have been invited too, haven't they?
That was an unusual stone, wasn't it?
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